Our Mission Statement
We are bringing a message of Faith, Hope and Love to the people of Scotland and beyond by Reaching up, Reaching out, and Reaching in.
Reach UP
Because of God’s love for us. (Mark 12:30)
Reach IN
Because of God’s love for the body. (Ephesians 4:12-13)
Reach OUT
Because of God’s love for others. (Matthew 28:16-20)
Statement of Purpose
We purpose to be an expression of the body of Christ (the Church), submitted to the Lord Jesus Christ in all things, patterned after the elements of the New Testament Church that are reproducible in our particular context, and dedicated to fulfill this by the power of the Holy Spirit.
TO WORSHIP, adore and glorify God in the liberty of the Holy Spirit through public and private worship and to minister the sacraments or ordinances of the Church.
TO PREACH AND TEACH the Bible as the Word of God.
TO DISCIPLE believers to be submitted to the Lordship of Christ through the local church.
TO REPRODUCE the life and character of the risen Christ in an expanding expression of our union with Christ.
TO TRAIN a body of praying believers who effectively call for the will of God through intercession.
TO DEVELOP spiritual leaders who can multiply themselves and meet the needs of others.
TO EVANGELIZE the unconverted to a saving faith in Jesus Christ; to minister the whole Gospel of Jesus Christ to the needs of the whole man spiritual, mental and physical.