February can be dull, grey, wet and a bit depressing. It’s such a short month and bridges the gap between the recovery from Christmas and the beginning of Spring. Daffodils, snowdrops, crocus, tulips and various other flowers are pushing through the ground to usher in bright, vibrant colours and the promise of a new season. But, it’s still February and we go through it regardless of what it brings. 💐🌺🌼
We all go through different seasons in our life and we don’t always get to choose the things that happen to us. BUT, we do get to choose how we respond and what action we will apply to get us through what can be difficult times.
We can choose to be mad! 😡😬 We want to vent our anger and frustration at what is unfair and undeserved. After all it’s not our fault and where is God in all of this? Doesn’t He know what we are going through and doesn’t He care? The answer is yes, He does know and He does care. Jesus said we would have tribulation but He said we were to be of good cheer. In every situation we can have peace because He is Peace and He lives in us. So choose to get better and not bitter!
We can choose to be sad. 😂😩 This is not a good choice and can affect everyone around us. The definition of sadness is unhappy, sorrowful, mournful and depressing. Now I know that when we lose a loved one we need time to grieve and when we miss out on something or someone we have to deal with disappointment. BUT, we can resist being totally heavy and depressed and choose to focus on the things that are of a good report. The best way to overcome sadness is to reach out and help someone near you. We get blessed while being a blessing.
We can choose to be glad. We do this by being thankful. I am so thankful for my Father God, my Saviour, my Helper, good health, energy, my family, for friends, church and so many other things. Choosing to be glad is the healthy option and laughter is like taking medicine. Sometimes we need to just laugh and enjoy what we do have instead of mourning over what we don’t have or what somebody else has.
Proverbs 15:15 Passion Translation. Everything seems to go wrong when you feel weak and depressed, But when you choose to be cheerful, everyday will bring you more and more joy and fullness.
Life is so daily and goes in so fast, so choose to be glad and don’t squander precious days being mad or sad. Choose GLAD. 😀😄😜😎😃😇😇 Nan
Great word and just what I was needing to hear. Keeps everything in focus. Praise be to god and be thankful. Amen x