I was doing a bit of housekeeping this morning, my husband calls it my ‘leisure work’! Armed with feather duster, yellow dusters, Pledge and wax polish, I set about my task. If it didn’t move it got polished! Husband included! He did the wise thing and retreated to his study while I got on with it.
I was doing really well and savouring the fresh smell of shining sparkling wood and glass when I came to the place of no return, every woman’s nemesis! The back of the TV. There it was, the spaghetti junction of cables, boosters, wifi, plugs, extension leads, extension cables, plug extensions, scart plugs, various devices and no less than six remotes!We have a very descriptive Scottish word which encapsulates the tangled mess behind my TV and that word is FANKLE! I well remember my Granny who was a prolific knitter having to sort out fankles in her wool. Another very descriptive Scottish word is scunnered which means totally fed up, ticked off, at the end of your tether, had enough, I’m out of here……….
What’s that got to do with the mess behind my TV?
Trying to sort out fankles can often lead to you being scunnered.
Our world today can be a complicated one if we allow ourselves to get caught up with stress, anxiety, overwork and all the other distractions around us. We can also get embroiled in other people’s stress which is a no brainer as its out with our control.
If you feel confused, distressed or scunnered because your life is looking like the back of my TV, tangled, fankled and messy then it’s time to get untangled and simplify your day.
James 3v16 says Wherever there is confusion, unrest, strife, disharmony there is every evil work. That’s the opposite of good work.Be at peace and start your day by talking to God and ask Him to help you get the tangles out. He said in Proverbs 1:23 But the one who always listens to Me Will live undisturbed in a heavenly peace free from fear: Confident and courageous you’ll rest, Unafraid and sheltered from the storms of life. (Passion Trans.)Life is so daily but it’s our choice as to how we will live, love and be at at peace with the world we live in.
True words spoken. Amen x