Today I am in the Aberdeen area attending a Love and Grace Conference hosted by a dear friend. Already the Holy Spirit has moved in and through every one of the ministers and God is making His presence known and felt by all. There’s something about getting away from our daily routines and environment that generates an expectancy of receiving something new and fresh. Now in my situation I have at times the flexibility to where I can get away. But this is not the case for many and with that in mind I wanted to share this. You don’t have to get away to experience the fresh and the new. All you need to do is to make and take the time to extract yourself from your routine and have a Holy Spirit encounter with you and God. God knows your responsibilities and your commitments but He wants you to choose time with Him as opposed to time spent elsewhere.
Time spent with Him equips us for whatever, whoever and whatsoever we contend with throughout our day. You may not always feel equipped or up to life’s challenges but in reality, you already have what you need.
For Christmas my husband blessed me with an iphone 5SE, rose gold no less.
For years I had an iphone 4 which Apple informed me was vintage. I always inherited my phones when the family upgrades their old phones. I was so excited about this new phone. I was showing it off to our grandchildren and asking them about some new apps I thought would be good. They then informed me I already had them. They came with the phone. The phone was already equipped!
When we have the Holy Spirit and God’s word on the inside we can start to live by that reality and not by how we feel.
“God uses it to prepare and equip his people to do every good work.”
2 Timothy 3:17 NLT
You already have everything you need but you do need to draw from The Word and the Spirit on a daily basis because life is so daily.
Jesus is not a feeling.
Jesus is a reality.
Thanks Pastor Nan ..that message is so good.. Greater is He who is in me than he who is in the world. Xx
Yes I agree… it’s great to have a break from our daily routine x